viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2013

CATALONIA ---- Nació Digital: Putin analitza amb lupa el procés català

Nació Digital: Putin analitza amb lupa el procés català

Putin closely examines the process Catalan The service broadcasting Moscow International notes that Brussels favors independence Several papers warn of "Balkanization" and "bloody clashes" Bernat Ferrer | Updated 12/18/2013 at 23:59 pm Filed under: Politics, 9 November 2014 consultation process Catalan, Russia


 The process is generating Catalan separatist movements and positions the main centers of global decision. And attempts to explain what is happening. Thus, analytical articles appear regularly in major U.S. media, British, Germans and Israelis, just as the French press that tries to minimize it the most. All in all, a symptom of what mood can have in each of these countries towards the referendum of November 9. In all this context, opinions circulating Russia usually a big question. But a few days ago, the international service of the Russian Federation and heir station Radio Moscow, The Voice of Russia, with a specific service in Spanish for Spain and throughout Latin America from socialist tendency, La Voz Russian- has devoted a series of articles analyzing the Catalan independence, and try to give them some explanation. In general, suggest that both the process and the Scottish and Catalan flamenco are encouraged by the European Union (EU) to try to weaken the major countries to limit them influence within the continent. In the article separatism, secret weapon Brussels, Andrei Smirnov maintains that "in Brussels, the aspiration of nations to self-determination does not produce unpleasant sensations. Officials from the EU already pledged support for the Catalans 'ls the Union if they overlap in Madrid. Same pledges received Scottish flamingos eager to secede from Belgium, the inhabitants of the cities of northern Italy. " Smirnov in no doubt that "European officials want to tear springs to control the majority of the leading countries of the EU." "With the current proportional system of decision making just four of the five" major "European (Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Spain) are able to impose their will on other twenty-three states EU. these great division in several states 'historical' children can increase the governance of a united Europe. In this case, the apparatus of the EU was finally a real role in the pan-European policy, "argues Smirnov, who does not hesitate to point out that Corsica can also be a problem for the French Republic, as well as "Elsacia and Lotaringia" and that Germany "has its own reason for concern" in Bavaria. "The division of Europe 'feudal principalities' may be appropriate for Brussels," stresses. 


In another article, Madrid Catalunay separatist referendum is illegal, says Alexander Sudníshnikov the manifestation of September Eleventh 2012 was "implausible by the number of runners", citing "well-known Russian political scientist and sociologist "Boris Kagarlitski writes:" Actually, the slogan behind the referendum hides a big political game. flying this slogan just those at the bottom of your soul did not expect to happen, and not win the referendum. " Finally, he explains that "last week, Brussels shared position on the Madrid illegitimate referendum is Catalan, aware, apparently, that in Spain you can expect the" Balkanization "or the complete disintegration of the state. "  

The same journalist, in another article, the centrifugal tendency persists in the EU Sudníshnikov Alexander explains that "the old world long since broken all four sides in various regions" and includes statements Manel Parra, leader of the small group D ' Spanish and Catalan, who appears as "well-known political scientist and president of the Movement for the Wave Country." Finally, he concludes: "One of the basic principles of the creation of the EU was the desire to minimize the barriers to interstate, as shown in the history of Europe, not only impede the normalization of economic relations and mutual penetration cultures of its many peoples, but leading to bloody clashes with territorial claims. "


Vladimir Putin's telephone conversation with Angela Merkel on Monday. Photo: