miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

CATALONIA -- Comunicat de l'ANC sobre la Sentència del TC en relació a la impugnació de la Declaració de Sobirania | Assemblea Nacional Catalana

Comunicat de l'ANC sobre la Sentència del TC en relació a la impugnació de la Declaració de Sobirania | Assemblea Nacional Catalana


Catalan National Assembly


ANC statement on the ruling of the TC in relation to the appeal of the Declaration of Sovereignty

Press the Standing Committee of the National Assembly Catalan respect
the Constitutional Court ruling of 25 March 2014 regarding the appeal of
the Declaration of sovereignty and the right to decide the People of
Catalonia, 23 January 2013.

In connection with the judgment of 25 March 2014, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly Catalan said:

One. - The Catalan people have the political and legal status of sovereign and subject, therefore, the Spanish Constitutional Court decisions on our sovereignty are irrelevant inoposables this condition.

Two. - Sovereignty means for us to decide freely on the bonds that unite us with other nations of the world. Catalonia has never renounced its right to decide. Before or now. Therefore, the Constitutional Court's ruling does not change the situation.

Three. - The Declaration of sovereignty and the right to decide the
People of Catalonia, 23 January 2013, the Parliament of Catalonia -
Catalan legitimate representative of the people - showed that the people
of Catalonia have the right to decide their future political and
democratic freedom.
The Catalan National Assembly reaffirms that consultation on 9 November 2014 is an important objective and irrefutable.

4. - The ruling of the Constitutional Court against a political
statement breaks the principle of separation of powers and democratic
regression confirms the concern of Spain.

5. - To safeguard the rights of the Catalan people need to live in a sovereign state Catalan as soon as possible.

Barcelona, ​​25 March 2014.
