viernes, 26 de junio de 2015

Monsanto's airborne pesticide drones coming soon: FAA approves unmanned, poison-spraying helicopters -

Monsanto's airborne pesticide drones coming soon: FAA approves unmanned, poison-spraying helicopters -

Monsanto's airborne pesticide drones coming soon: FAA approves unmanned, poison-spraying helicopters

 (NaturalNews) The federal government has granted its approval for a new
unmanned pesticide drone that reports indicate will soon start dumping
chemical herbicides and other crop-related substances from the sky.

The helicopters, designed by Yamaha Corp. U.S.A., have an empty weight of only 141 pounds, according to a Federal Aviation Administration document,[PDF]
and they don't require a human pilot. Multinational corporations like
Monsanto can just load them up with Roundup and send them on their way.

"Yamaha unmanned helicopters are designed for a wide range of industrial and research applications," reads an official brochure for the new technology,[PDF] which lists "precision agriculture," "spraying" and "seeding" as potential uses.

"Your eye in the sky offers cost effective, accurate and efficient spraying with zero soil compaction," it adds.