viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

CDC held meeting of vaccine scientists to deliberately destroy evidence linking vaccines to autism -

CDC held meeting of vaccine scientists to deliberately destroy evidence linking vaccines to autism -

CDC held meeting of vaccine scientists to deliberately destroy evidence linking vaccines to autism

(NaturalNews) For a government that lies about everything -- fudging
economic numbers, using the IRS as a political weapon and even
manufacturing staged domestic terrorism events so the FBI can "catch
terrorists" in the act -- it's no surprise to now learn that the CDC
deliberately destroyed evidence linking vaccines to autism.

According to a new statement relayed today by Rep. Bill Posey, the
CDC held a meeting of scientists to decide which piece of evidence to
destroy that might link vaccines to autism in African-American children

Fearless indy media journalist Sharyl Attkisson first reported on this revelation. Attkisson's website is one of the thousands of independent media websites now favored on (the search engine for truth seekers) and, the internet's truth-based alternative to Google News.

Rep. Posey's statement contained this astonishing description of brazen CDC science fraud related by CDC scientists Dr. William Thompson: (bolding emphasis added)

primary job duties while working in the immunization safety branch from
2000 to 2006, were to later co-lead three major vaccine safety studies.
The MADDSP, MMR autism cases control study was being carried out in
response to the Wakefield-Lancet study that suggested an association
between the MMR vaccine and an autism-like health outcome.

were several major concerns among scientists and consumer advocates
outside the CDC in the fall of 2000, regarding the execution of the
Verstraeten Study. One of the important goals that was determined up
front, in the spring of 2001, before any of these studies started, was
to have all three protocols vetted outside the CDC
prior to the start of the analyses so consumer advocates could not
claim that we were presenting analyses that suited our own goals and

We hypothesized that if we found statistically significant effects at either 18 or 36 month thresholds, we would conclude that vaccinating children early with MMR vaccine could lead to autism-like characteristics or features. We all met and finalized the study
protocol and analysis plan. The goal was to not deviate from the
analysis plan to avoid the debacle that occurred with the Verstraeten
thimerosal study published in Pediatrics in 2003.
