miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2017

CATALONIA --- Rajoy enters the back door to Downing Street to avoid the Catalan protest

Rajoy enters the back door to Downing Street to avoid the Catalan protest






Mariano Rajoy Brey enters 10 Downing Street by the back door and avoids journalist pictures during today #Spain state visit. 


#Shame UK Government supporting a regime of repression corruption and media manipulation!


#FreedomForCatalonia #FreePoliticalPrisoners


<<< https://www.ara.cat/…/Rajoy-Downing-Street-protesta-catalan… >>>


 La porta d'entrada a Downing Street ha acollit aquest matí una protesta per la llibertat dels presos polítics catalans / C.S. 

The gateway to Downing Street has hosted a protest this morning for the freedom of Catalan political prisoners / C.S.